Tiger Lily, Columbia
Lily, Oregon Lily These tall regal red-orange beauties are quite rare in this part of the Columbia Valley, and I felt myself quite privileged on the few occasions I witnessed their full blooming radiance on the open southeastern slopes of the Purcell Mountains. Their lovely drooping heads with curled back petals reveal distinctive deep purple spots making one think of the tiger's spots.
Being edible the indigenous peoples used their peppery tasting
bulbs to flavor other foods.
The Prairie
Lily, Rocky Mountain Lily, Western Red Lily A close family member to the Tiger Lily, and the floral emblem of Saskatchewan. This lily was one of the first prairie flowers I grew to love in my childhood days in Saskatchewan. The sight of its stately orange elegance decorating the prairie floor in beautiful brilliance was a sight to behold, and lingers in my memory to this day. Because this wild lily is in danger of becoming extinct picking it is now prohibited in some areas. Photo of Rocky Mountain Lily Growing in the Rockies
NATURE NOTES: Wild Prairie
Crocus, Lions Beard, Pasque Flower This flower has endeared itself to many being the Floral Emblem of Manitoba and the State Flower of South Dakota.