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Engraving & Oil on Purcell Mountain Slate Stone
Kokopelli 136
Size: 9¾" high, 6½" wide, ½" thick
Elaine Prefontaine



Includes Slate Stone Art 

GemRocks: Ornamental & Curio Stones"
new "Slate" entry by:  Professor R. V. Dietrich c
hose to display
'Kokopelli - The Red Rock Minstrel',
 created on Slate from the Purcell Mountains, British Columbia, Canada.

 Read More on the Slate Stone Art  Public Relations Page







'Kokopelli Plays Bell Rock'

"S O L D"

This Kokopelli now resides in NEW YORK 







'Songs of the Sonoran'

Engraving & Oil on Purcell Mountain Slate Stone
Kokopelli 116
Size: 9" high, 7" wide, ¼" thick
Elaine Prefontaine

"S O L D"

This Kokopelli now resides in HUNGARY 













'Full Moon Rising'

Engravings & Oil on Purcell Mountain Slate Stone
Kokopellis 111 & 112
Kok 111 left:   10"    high,  4¾" wide, 6/16" thick
 Kok 112 right:  6½" high,   4¾" wide, 6/16" thick
Artist: Elaine Prefontaine

One can almost hear Kokopelli as he stands on the canyon cliff serenading the "Full Moon Rising".  Created from one piece of slate stone split into a matching pair,  each lovely piece displays a rippled scenic surface in natural slate blue and sienna tones.  Reverse sides engraved with Kokopelli #, Creation Date and Artist's Signature.


"S O L D"

This Kokopelli Pair now resides in CALGARY, ALBERTA







'Bell Rock Blues'
Engraving & Oil on Purcell Mountain Slate Stone
Kokopelli 115
Size: 12½" high, 6½" wide, ¼" thick
Elaine Prefontaine

This Kokopelli now resides in KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE




We felt the air ring
With Kokopelli's Songs of

And celebrated the return of Summer Weather
With KokoMana's "Dance of the Spirit Feather".

We watched the Full Harvest Moon s
lowly rise over the Canyon Wall
As Kokopelli led "The Ancients" In the
"Fertility Dance of Fall". 


   "The Ancients" silently danced in reverence hand in hand 
Welcoming the night's
Winter Wonderland 
Paying homage to the Great Spirit for many reasons
For  the beauty, love and joy in this full circle of seasons.

 Kokopelli then broke the still silence lifting his flute in delight
Beguiling the rising moon with mirthful music this night
  As she ascended the horizon this
Winter Solstice of the year
Bringing blessings to "The Ancient Ones" and those held dear.

 Written by:  Elaine Sell Prefontaine



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 Petroglyphs  &  Pictographs

Art, Poetry & Photography © Copyright Elaine Sell Prefontaine
 Website Created & Maintained by Elaine Sell Prefontaine
  All Rights Reserved.

"Art purely created, and nakedly witnessed, frees the soul"