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The door has re-opened

A switch has turned

To ancient shared knowledge

For which my soul has yearned.

To know truth is available

Sets this soul free

To knowledgeable progression

On it's destined path

To Eternity

Elaine Sell Prefontaine



For an instant today
As I gazed out to sea
I saw time and space
Stretch timelessly 
And endlessly
Before me.
I felt like a child
With nothing but time 
On its hands
Seeing the future 

Stretch endlessly 
Before him.
The sun reflected
Diamonds of dreams 
On pebbled waves,
And suddenly
Infinity was compressed
 Into a single silver moment.


I now remember
That glimpse of Heaven
Diamonds of dreams
On pebbled waves
Infinity being compressed
Into a silver moment. 


Elaine Sell Prefontaine
 Lesquiti Island, Pacific Coast
August 22, 1985




Beauty is here
Woods deep
With timbers that grow tall,
Like hereabout,
By the river and this home
That was so fashioned
From their rough hewn death
That their very scent
Still fills the air,
Their falling 
Still echoes loudly
In the woods, 
And our minds,
We poets dream
Of their past glories 
And their hereunder lying.
The civilized accoutrements
 Of music
A light here
For this tree or that
Only accentuate
The well ordered planning
Of the man who built it
The raw treed beauty
Of  these tall timbered  woods.
Though a mower might echo
The grasses death
It comes to a new life
In the refreshing breath
Of its ending
And finds me looking across
To the wet stone river walls
Shining in the last
Reflected rays of this day. 

                                 Elaine Sell Prefontaine



A lone Pilgrim came to "Carlsbad By The Sea"
To have a little rest
And to that time my friends "Hear - hear"
She will happily attest.

A room she was given
The finest to be had
For the Innkeeper "Eileen"
Was "The Queen of Carlsbad".

And upon the second night
At Carlsbad By The Sea
The Queen graciously said to the Pilgrim
"Please come dine with me"

And the establishment warmly welcomed 
The Queen and her Guest
Set a seaside table with their finest
And served the local wineries very best.

And as the waves rolled in
A violinist stood by their table to play
A melody of such touching sentiment 
That it is remembered to this day. 

And the Queen so entertained the Pilgrim
Upon that fine repast
The Pilgrim paid tribute to the Queen by writing
A poem of those memories to last.

And upon the eventide of the third day   
A New Years Eve Party was had
For the guests at the Queen's Palace
By the Sea in Carlsbad

And the Queen presented the Pilgrim with a Banner
To wear with her New Years Eve gown
To proclaim to everyone
That she was Miss 1988 of Calgary Town

And all of the guests made merry
Yey verily, in that the Queen had a hand
And they all proclaimed her the finest
Hostess in the land.

And at the instant the sun dipped over the Pacific
In that awaited green glow for the last time of the year
The guests raised their champagne glasses
And let out a resounding cheer!

And they toasted the Queen as they made merry
In the Palace by the Sea
And vowed loyalty to The Queen and The Kingdom
For all eternity.

Elaine Sell Prefontaine
 January 1, 1988
Carlsbad, California
 Pacific Coast




I met the writer
       Some time ago
And once again
His words
Have made me
        Blissfully aware
        Of mine
And their power.

Now I'll fly again
For blue mountains beckon
        I am freed
        From this winter's
        Scathed soul.

Elaine Sell Prefontaine








Friday the thirteenth
And now
I'll draw upon
Those memories
Of Shuswap Lake
With you.
Memories almost obscured
By today's clouds.
Hot rocks underfoot,
Sunshine dazzling
The lake's bathtub water,
Secluded barbeque beaches,
One lone canoer,
A few mountain streams
We found
And drank from.
I remember the first night
We took the boat out
And darkness chased us back.
Thump, thump, thump
We planed across the lake,
Warm air hitting our faces,
Caressing our bodies,
Towards a hazy paradise
We were just discovering.
I remember your elation
That first night out,
And mine,
And the next day
The sun shone on more beauty
And browned our bodies tan
To make us belong
To something
Our souls had never left.
The Spirits were up there those days
Sitting in the tall dark pines
Watching us,
Hiding in the wind
Touching us,
Controlling the lake
You challenged.
Oh, I long for it all,
And to one day return
To these indelible memories.

Elaine Sell Prefontaine


This poem
"Shuswap" was featured
 in the Year 2002 Calendar which showcased the beautiful Shuswap Lake Area of British Columbia.

"Scenic Shuswap 2002" 

Calendar Designed and Printed by 
Canadian Photoscene Printing
 Salmon Arm, BC




One warm mid-day shaft of light

A sun's pillow on the floor

One lovely lazy languid cat

My kitchen on Saturday

Elaine Sell Prefontaine


And we shall drive
  Past our Summer's Lake
Obscured with winter clouds.
 Still beautiful
Like a crystal memory
Frozen cloudy.
Even our bodies,
Then brown and bare,
Drive by in mourning clothes
Of blacks and browns
Towards a different kind
Of happiness.
I remember camping nights
Under stars
Back there by our lake
Now obscured with winter clouds
Like a crystal memory
Frozen cloudy.

Elaine Sell Prefontaine
Shuswap Lake



I feel a chill

As I suddenly realize

The autumn wind

Is chasing summer away

Blowing the leaves

From their homes

And scattering their remains

Like the cremated dead

Over their final resting places

Till like a drop in the ocean

They are dispersed amongst  the whole of it.

And I shiver

As I visualize

That same cold wind

Whipping away

At the icy snow drifts

That will soon cover

Their unmarked graves.

Elaine Sell Prefontaine
 October 1975 


I am the dealer
But God
I feel a pawn
In your hands
Just now.

This rawness
Brings me closer
To You
And like 
The dead leaves
Out there
I know
That though
I may go down
At the appointed hour
I'll go down
In color.

Elaine Sell Prefontaine
 October 1975





A seclusion of sound

New waters rushing

Again and again

To the surprise

Of their sudden

Harsh dispersement

Which just as suddenly

Rejoins the whole

Only to have the cycle


To whatever end.

I could close my eyes

And be one with it

Save for the Sun Gods


Heat into my flesh

So I sit

And contentedly so

Capturing the some of  this

On paper.

Elaine Sell Prefontaine
 May 3, 1976
 Bow River
 Banff - Lake Louise Highway


I remember how fragile
You seemed
When you left yesterday
Clutching my binder
Of prose
Under your arm
And how
I let you leave
Almost as suddenly
As your saying it
Lest we be
More outwardly saddened
By the lingering.

Elaine Sell Prefontaine
 June 1976


I remember the first time
You cried at my words
And how I wanted
To comfort
The woman child 
You are
And protect you
From the pain I felt
At their writing.
But that seeing 
Set you free
Little bird
From earthly things
That too long
Have kept you
From your own.

Elaine Sell Prefontaine
 June 1976



It's time to put my dreams away

But not all of them.

It's time to make some plans

And follow them.

It's time I make my world

The way I want it to be

In relation to the way I am

And the gifts God has given me.

It's time I take a look at life

And my world and all that's in it

But not look so hard

That I waste one second in it.

So the dreams I have from now on

I plan to make real

By putting into words

Those things I really feel.

Then they will no longer be dreams

And thoughts unfurled

They will be tangibility's 

Of one person's world.

Elaine Sell Prefontaine
 Late 1980's




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 Website Created & Maintained by Elaine Sell Prefontaine
  All Rights Reserved.

"Art purely created, and nakedly witnessed, frees the soul"