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Sunset on the Fairmont Range
Canadian Rocky Mountains
Fairmont Hot Springs, BC
February 2014



Digital Photography by Elaine Sell Prefontaine 




Fairmont Range Panorama Sunset
February 2014





Fairmont Historical Bath House in January Afternoon Sunshine
Fairmont Hot Springs, BC
January 22, 2014





 Steaming  Waters in The Morning
Fairmont Historical Baths After a Heavy Overnight Snowfall
Fairmont Hot Springs, BC
January 22, 2014





Mt. Yamuska (aka Mt.Laurie)
Located on the edge of the Rocky Mountain Foothills in the Bow Valley Provincial Park, Alberta
on the North side of the Trans Canada Hwy.

12:30 p.m., January 15, 2014





Trans Canada Hwy 1 West to the Rocky Mountain Foothills
12:15 p.m., January 15, 2014





Foothills in January
From Trans Canada Hwy 1 West of Calgary, Alberta
12:00 Noon January 16, 2014





Rockies Foothills in Pastels
From Trans Canada Hwy 1 West of Calgary, Alta
11:58 a.m., January 15, 2014





The Steeples
Hwy 93/95 near Fort Steele, BC
4:22 p.m., November 27, 2013





Fort Steele Area Ranch Country
 Late Afternoon - November 27, 2013





November Sunset at Coy's Ranch
The Hoodoos and Selkirk Mountain Range in Background
November 13, 2013





Sunset at Coy's Ranch
The Hoodoos and Selkirk Mountain Range in Background
July 3, 2013





The Rocky Mountains in May
 Fresh White Snow Above  -  Fresh Green Buds Below
May 14, 2013





The Powerful and Photogenic Three Sisters Mountains
 Near Canmore, Alberta
May 4, 2013




Majestic Castle Mountain
 Banff National Park, Alberta
May 4, 2013




Picture Perfect
Kootenay National Park, British Columbia
Early Morning May 4, 2013




Lake Windermere Under Ice
Looking SW from the Westside Road South of Invermere, BC
March 25, 2013




Lake Windermere
Looking SW from the Westside Road South of Invermere, BC
March 25, 2013




The Columbia Lake First Nations Country Church!
This picturesque little church is located East of Hwy 93/95
 North of Fairmont on The Columbia Lake First Nations Reserve
March 11, 2013






I Took This Trail "Less Travelled By"
An absolutely beautiful March day in the Valley - Endless blue skies and fabulous scenery
The Dutch Creek Hoodoos and the Fairmont Rockies Range in Background

March 9, 2013






Digital Photography by Elaine Sell Prefontaine 




Fairmont Hot Springs nestled in Columbia Valley below the Rockies
The Historic Brewer - Geary - Holland Ranch Barn is visible uphill right of red Timeshare roofs
March 9, 2013




Hoodoos Panorama
March 9, 2013




Dutch Creek Ice Break-Up
March 9, 2013




Late Morning Shadows on The Hoodoos
March 9, 2013




The Hoodoos View Turn
March 9, 2013




After The Fall
The Dutch Creek Hoodoos SW of Fairmont BC
Early morning after a heavy overnight snowfall
March 7, 2013




Hoodoos West - "The Road Less Travelled"
The Dutch Creek Hoodoos SW of Fairmont BC
Early morning after a heavy overnight snowfall
March 7, 2013




The Dutch Creek Hoodoos After The Snowfall
The Dutch Creek Hoodoos SW of Fairmont BC
Early morning after a heavy overnight snowfall
March 7, 2013




Misty March Morning at Dutch Creek
Early morning after a heavy overnight snowfall
March 7, 2013




Snow Whites on Little Dutch Creek
Early morning after a heavy overnight snowfall
March 7, 2013




Findlay Creek Homestead of Long Ago
 Looking East on the Findlay Creek Road, Purcell Mountains, British Columbia, Canada 
February 10, 2013




Kootenay River South of the Fort Steele Bridge
February 9, 2013




The Kootenay River Waters North of The Fort Steele Bridge Were a Beautiful Deep Blue
February 9, 2013




 "The Bare Naked Ladies"
I loved the contrast of the bare naked trees against the deep blue waters!
February 9, 2013




Rockies Panorama from Hawke Road
Looking SE towards Fairmont Ski Hill in the Distance
February 2013




   Looking Eastward Through Bare Branches to Fairmont Range from Hawke Road
February 2013



A Hawke Road View of Winter Grasslands and The Rocky Mountains
Fairmont Ski Hill in Far Distance

February 2013





Hoodoos - "The Road Less Travelled"
February 8, 2013




Cattle Country Sunset Panorama
Coys Cattle Pasture and the Rocky Mountain Fairmont Range

February 2013



"The Mountains Shall Bring Peace To The People"
Sign Entering Radium, British Columbia
February 2, 2013




February 2, 2013




Fairmont Indian Baths in Sunshine
January 2013



January Frost
At Coy's Par 3 Golf Course South of Fairmont Hot Springs, BC
January 22, 2013




Late Afternoon Ra Rays in the Rockies
Photo Looking West of Hwy 93/95 Midway between Invermere and Fairmont , BC
4:00 p.m., January 13, 2013




Heading Home
Photo taken on Hwy 93 South in the beautiful Kootenay National Park
Heading home to my little cabin by Columbia Lake in the East Kootenay Area of British Columbia
January 8, 2013




Fairmont Indian Baths in Winter
After a Beautiful Heavy Snowfall
December 31, 2012



A Birds Eye View
Fairmont Indian Baths
December 31, 2012





Ranching in the Beautiful Columbia Valley
South of Fairmont Hot Springs,  British Columbia, Canada
December 5, 2012




December 5, 2012




Looking NE Up the Valley Towards Fairmont Hot Springs
Taken from Coys Hill West of  Columere Park
 South of Fairmont Hot Springs,  British Columbia, Canada
December 5, 2012




Reflections by the Bench at the Point
A Special Memory Creation Spot for Residents  --  Weddings, Proposals etc.
 British Columbia, Canada
Early Evening September 2012


Digital Photography by Elaine Sell Prefontaine 




My Picturesque Neighborhood on the Northwestern Shores of Columbia Lake
British Columbia, Canada
Early Evening September 21, 2012



Fire in the Purcells
Fire in the Dutch Creek Drainage Area of the Purcell Mountains of British Columbia, Canada
9:30 a.m., August 20, 2012




Trouble in Paradise
What looks like a volcano erupting in the distance is a forest fire
in the Dutch Creek Drainage Area of the Purcell Mountains
9:30 a.m., August 20, 2012




Findlay Fury
Findlay Creek, British Columbia, Canada 
Earth Day 2012




The Old Man On The Mountain
Rocky Mtns North of Fairmont Hot Springs, British Columbia, Canada
June 27, 2012





Rocky Mountains North of Fairmont
June 27, 2012





Fishermaiden Reflections
Fishermaiden Lake, Purcell Mountains, British Columbia, Canada 






January in the Rockies
Rocky Mountains on the East Side of the Columbia Valley
 Near Fairmont, British Columbia, Canada  
-15 Degrees Celsius, 2:30 p.m., January 30, 2008


Digital Photography by Elaine Sell Prefontaine 


Picture Perfect !
Rocky Mountains on the East Side of the Columbia Valley
 Near Fairmont, British Columbia, Canada  
-15 Degrees Celsius, 2:30 p.m., January 30, 2008




A Winter Wonderland
 Rocky Mountains on the East Side of the Columbia Valley
 Near Fairmont, British Columbia, Canada  
-15 Degrees Celsius, 2:30 p.m., January 30, 2008



 Rocky Mountain Splendor Close Up
 Rocky Mountain on the East Side of the Columbia Valley 
Near Fairmont, British Columbia, Canada 
-15 Degrees Celsius, 2:30 p.m., January 30, 2008





The Beautiful Columbia Valley in Winter
Looking Northwest Over the Columbia Valley Wetlands
To Mud Lake, Windermere Lake and Steamboat Mountain
 British Columbia, Canada
January 6, 2007


Digital Photography by Elaine Sell Prefontaine 




Fresh Snow on Bare Branches
My Yard
December 7, 2006



First Big Snow Over the Selkirk Range
Rocky Mountains, British Columbia, Canada
November 28, 2006





Recent Snow On Spectacular Fairmont Mountain Creates A Study In Contrast
Rocky Mountains, British Columbia, Canada  
November 5, 2006 



Dutch Creek in September
Dutch Creek
, British Columbia, Canada
September 27, 2006




Findlay Creek Larch In October
Findlay Creek Area, British Columbia, Canada
October 2005


Digital Photography by Elaine Sell Prefontaine 



Dutch Creek in Late September
Dutch Creek, British Columbia, Canada
September 26, 2005





Fairmont Hot Springs Canyon Falls
This picturesque falls is formed from the Hot Springs Pool run-offs. 
 The turquoise waters of the small pool and the emerald greens 
of the interesting algae formations are a beautiful contrast of colors.
Digital Photos, April 2004




Snowed In -  Columere Park

This beautiful heavy snowfall was our  first big one in 2004. 
My cabin is almost hidden amongst the heavily laden snow covered trees. 
Digital Photos, January 25, 2004





Full Winter Moon Over The Selkirks
 Looking above The Selkirk Mountain Range of the Rocky Mountains
 Taken NE of Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada
Digital Photo, December 7, 2003

 The "silvery white winter moon", showcased against cobalt blue skies was a striking celestial vision befitting the occasion of our last full moon of the Year 2003.







Whitetail Lake Fall Reflections
Whitetail Lake, Purcell Mountains, British Columbia, Canada
Digital Photo, October 2003



Fall Finery - Westside Road
The brilliant warm reds and oranges of the fall foliage against the cool blues and grays of the snow capped Rocky Mountains is a living study in contrasts.
  It is a cool morning, we are looking northeast from the Westside Road, and to the left we can see low lying misty clouds slowly dissipating in the warmth of the rising autumn sun. 
 Southwest of Lake Windermere, British Columbia, Canada
Digital Photo, October 2002, 8:40 a.m.



Findlay Creek Homestead
This beautiful old homestead brings back memories of past times when life was simpler.
 Findlay Creek Area, Purcell Mountains, British Columbia, Canada 

Digital Photo, October 2002


Morning Haze - Lake Windermere
Looking Southeast over Lake Windermere from the Westside Road South of Invermere
 Lake Windermere, British Columbia, Canada 

Digital Photo, October 2002



Wolf Lichen - Westside Road
(Letharia vulpina)

This mossy green wolf lichen growing on a weathered gray tree stump near the Westside Road caught my eye.
 These small shrub shaped lichens, which form tufts on dead conifers in the open areas, share an interesting history. 
 Indigenous peoples used the mossy colored lichen as dye for clothing and decorative items as well as body paint.
 In northern Europe wolf lichen was formerly used to make wolf poison, hence the name wolf lichen.
It's Latin genus name , letharia vulpina, indicates it is poisonous (lethal) containing vulpinic acid.
 Taken near Westside Road NW of Fairmont, British Columbia, Canada


Digital Photography by Elaine Sell Prefontaine     



Hoodoos West "Road Less Travelled"
Digital Photo 2002





Hoodoos Castle
Digital Photo, October 16, 2002





 Hoodoos Panorama
Digital Photo, September 12, 2002




Findlay  Fury
Millions of years of erosion have shaped these magnificent Findlay Creek gorges.
Looking East from the Skookumchuck Bridge 
Findlay Creek, Purcell Mountains, British Columbia, Canada 

Digital Photo, July 30, 2002


They Call It A Creek
  Findlay Creek looks and sounds like a raging river and is paradise
 for fishermen, photographers, nature lovers, prospectors and geologists.
Looking SE from the Findlay Creek Road 
Findlay Creek, Purcell Mountains,
British Columbia, Canada
Digital Photo, July 30, 2002




Wild Roses and a Fisherman's Wind
Whitetail Lake, Purcell Mountains, British Columbia, Canada
Digital Photo, July



Fisherman's Paradise - Whitetail Lake
 Looking NE from Whitetail Lake Road
The beautiful emerald green colors of the lake waters are caused by glaciation silt.
 Whitetail Lake, Purcell Mountains, British Columbia, Canada
Digital Photo, July 1, 2002




___Campbell Lake Morning Reflections
 This lovely little lake is located North of Fort Steele Historical Park
 Campbell Lake, British Columbia, Canada 

Digital Photo, April 29, 2002


Columbia Valley Winter Wonderland
Looking West from Fairmont Ski Hill Road
Fairmont Hot Springs, British Columbia, Canada


Digital Photography by Elaine Sell Prefontaine 




_Icicles and Bridge Shadows
  Dutch Creek, British Columbia, Canada 
Digital Photo, February 2002




Castle Mountain
February 16, 2002


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 Petroglyphs  &  Pictographs

Art, Poetry & Photography © Copyright Elaine Sell Prefontaine
 Website Created & Maintained by Elaine Sell Prefontaine
  All Rights Reserved.

"Art purely created, and nakedly witnessed, frees the soul"